Top 10 Most Famous Indian Authors – Check Out Their Books Today

Top 10 Most Famous Indian Authors – Check Out Their Books Today

Posted By : May 16, 2024

Today we have a very special blog for you that is very close to our hearts because we are going to talk about some of the finest people in literature we know.

The reason why this blog is special is because we are full-time professional writers and these authors hold a special position of respect in our hearts.

That is why today we bring you a list of 10 famous Indian authors from different generations that have managed to not only captive readers but also change the course of society.

We are going to talk about them so that if you are not familiar with them then you might have some degree of familiarity as an introduction to them.

We will present a list at the end of each introduction talking about some of their most famous and popular works.

You can even argue that these are some of the best Indian authors out there and not just Indian because they are famous worldwide for their work.

So, grab yourselves some strong coffee and let’s get into this educational as well as interesting blog about famous writers produced by this beautiful land.

Here Are The 10 Famous Indian Authors

Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore

It is actually very difficult to talk about Rabindranath Tagore simply because we are just not qualified enough to analyse this person.

Rabindranath Tagore is one of the finest authors of India and not just that because he was a poet and a writer as well as a playwright and a composer. Additionally, he was a philosopher, social reformer and painter.

He is also the composer of India’s National Anthem as well as the National Anthem of Bangladesh apart from being a Nobel prize winner.

If we have to create a list of his achievements when it comes to famous authors and their books then this blog would become too long because he singlehandedly had one of the greatest contributions to literature in India.

We are not going to talk more about him because it is actually beautiful to discover him by yourself and that is exactly what you should do to discover Rabindranath Tagore yourself in your own time.

However, we would also like to tell you that most of his works are in Bengali and that is where the true essence of his genius rests

He has written a lot in English too and if you are someone who does not understand Bengali then you can of course check out his English works.

We have listed some of his popular works although we might add that almost every word written by his hand is famous.


  • Gitanjali
  • The Home and the World
  • The Postmaster
  • Chokher Bali
  • Fireflies
  • The Post Office
  • Gora
  • Waiting
  • Friend
  • On the Nature of Love
  • Paperboats

Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay

Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay

The second author we are going to talk about is also legendary when it comes to his works and his observation skills as well as his keen understanding of human nature and its portrayal.

We are of course talking about Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay. Even if you have not heard about him then you have probably been influenced by him indirectly through pop culture and movies. Devdas was his creation.

It is rare to find an author who has such a natural style of writing and an unbiased take on human life and sympathy for humans who are suffering.

You should definitely read his works that talk about bigotry in society and society in general as he dissects society into its basic elements for you to understand it better.

We have listed some of his notable works below.


  • Devdas
  • Parineeta
  • Srikanta
  • Charitraheen
  • Datta
  • Pather Dabi
  • Palli Samaj
  • Griha Daha
  • Sesh Prasna
  • Sesher Parichay

R.K. Narayan

R.K. Narayan

Let’s now talk about someone without whom this list of famous authors that are Indian would be incomplete.

We are of course talking about Rasipuram Krishnaswami Iyer Narayanaswami or you may better know him as the incredible gentleman who has written the Malgudi Days.

He is one of the most notable Indian writers who primarily wrote in English and his stories are something Indian English readers have grown up reading.

His stories revolve around fictional South Indian towns as well as cities and talk about daily life and the portrayal of society in the form of complex dynamic characters that exuberate simplicity as well as humour, elegance and grace.

You should definitely read his works because that will be a life-changing experience for you.


  • Swami and Friends
  • The Man-Eater of Malgudi
  • Malgudi Days
  • The Guide
  • The English Teacher
  • Waiting for the Mahatma
  • The Vendor of Sweets
  • A Tiger for Malgudi
  • The Bachelor of Arts
  • The Painter of Signs

Khushwant Singh

Khushwant Singh

If you are interested in literature that delves deep into the dramatic chapter of partition of India then this author is probably going to be the best choice for you.

However, we must not just limit Khushwant Singh to works on partition because he is so much more when it comes to Indian literature.

He has written about everything from the partition to society in general as well as ideas of humour and secularism as well as sarcasm and most importantly history and Punjab.

If you read his books then you are going to find a mix of everything real and true together.

We have mentioned some of his notable works for you to begin the journey of reading Khushwant Singh.


  • Train to Pakistan
  • I Shall Never Hear a Nightingale
  • A History of the Sikhs
  • The Fall of the Kingdom of the Punjab
  • Ranjit Singh: The Maharaja of the Punjab
  • Ghadar 1915: India’s first armed revolution
  • The Freethinker’s Prayer Book and Some Words To Live By
  • Tragedy of Punjab
  • Not a Nice Man to Know: The Best of Khushwant Singh
  • Why I Supported the Emergency

Ruskin Bond

Ruskin Bond

We now bring you someone who has been our favourite as a child and we are of course talking about Ruskin Bond.

However, if you have stopped reading his novels as an adult then it is a good time to begin reading once more because Ruskin Bond is well known for his children’s novels but he has some amazing young adult literature too.

He has written everything from novels to essays as well as short stories and his stories revolve around small towns and their people and the simple joys of life.

We would describe reading his works as the warm feeling of meeting an old friend after a long time and we would encourage you to read his works and we have mentioned some of his notable works below.


  • The Room on the Roof
  • The Blue Umbrella
  • A Flight of Pigeons
  • Time Stops at Shamli
  • Rusty, the Boy from the Hills
  • Delhi Is Not Far
  • Our Trees Still Grow in Dehra
  • The Night Train at Deoli and Other Stories
  • A Book of Simple Living
  • Angry River

Salman Rushdie

Salman Rushdie

The Indian author’s name we are going to take right now is often steeped in controversy because of his writings.

However just because he is controversial does not mean he is not influential because his books have had an influence in society.

We are of course talking about Salman Rushdie as he is one of the most notable writers of India. He has a unique style of combining magic realism with history to talk about controversial topics and portray them in fiction.

He is one of the most read authors of our time and he has been recognised for his efforts with multiple awards and even death threats.

You can certainly read his works.


  • Midnight’s Children
  • The Satanic Verses
  • Fury
  • Joseph Anton
  • Languages of Truth: Essays 2003–2020
  • Luka and the Fire of Life
  • Quichotte
  • Shalimar the Clown

Vikram Seth

Vikram Seth

We now have yet another notable novelist as we are talking about Vikram Seth, the winner of multiple National and international awards and the author of several novels.

The unique thing about this author is how he explores so many incredible themes in his writings when it comes to human relationships and its complexities.

If you are also interested in political issues then that too can also be found as a theme in his novels and he does not hold back regarding his observational takes about the relationship between different communities as well as contemporary situations.

That does not mean that he only talks about the bigger macro issues of the world because he also talks about personal struggles and his characters are very real when it comes to their personal struggles.

It’s a treat to read his works and you should definitely read them.


  • A Suitable Boy
  • An Equal Music
  • The Golden Gate
  • Two Lives
  • From Heaven Lake: Travels Through Sinkiang and Tibet
  • Beastly Tales from Here and There
  • All You Who Sleep Tonight: Poems
  • Three Chinese Poets
  • Mappings
  • The Humble Administrator’s Garden

Jhumpa Lahiri

Jhumpa Lahiri

If you are looking for an Indian author’s name that’s not just synonymous with cultural identity but human relationships as well then this is the author you should go to.

Jhumpa Lahiri talks about human relationships in her novels and she dives deep into all the different dynamics and aspects of human relationships.

Along with that, she is also a good voice to understand immigration and how that can impact someone’s identity as well as their existence.

She is an amazing contemporary author and you can find a beautiful combination of nostalgia coupled with memory and identity in her novels.

We have mentioned some of her popular works for you to go through below.


  • The Namesake
  • Interpreter of Maladies
  • The Lowland
  • Unaccustomed Earth
  • In Other Words
  • Whereabouts
  • Translating Myself and Others
  • The Clothing of Books: An Essay
  • -Hell-Heaven
  • Roman Stories

Amrita Pritam

Amrita Pritam

The 9th name on our list is one of the most prominent female voices when it comes to literature in Hindi and Punjabi.

We are of course talking about Amrita Pritam as she has written over 100 books on poetry as well as biography and fiction as well as essays. She is very relevant to society and has even composed Punjabi folk songs.

Her writings talk about woman empowerment as well as the struggles of women in an orthodox society and along with that she also talks about the determination of women to rise up from their situation.

The reason why she is so impactful in society is also because her writings explore politics in a very realistic light.

You would love reading her works and we are definitely going to encourage you to read some of the works mentioned below.


  • Pinjar
  • Raseedi Ticket
  • Meri Priya Kahaniyaan
  • Kore Kagaz
  • Sunehade
  • Ajj aakhaan Waris Shah nu
  • Shadows of Words: An Autobiography
  • Amrita Pritam Ke Shahkar Afsane
  • Dastavez – Amrita Imroz de Khat
  • Punjabi Poems of Amrita Pritam in Gurmukhi, Hindi, Roman and English

Chetan Bhagat

Chetan Bhagat

Finally, we have Chetan Bhagat at number 10 and he is actually very influential, especially for millennial audiences as well as the later generations.

His novels are an excellent window into the Indian mind and the Indian society and talk about family conflicts as much as they talk about realism.

His works talk about real issues in the bigger and smaller cities of India and they also talk about all the glorious and the not-so-glorious aspects of society.

He delves deep into culture and likes to portray society in its fullest ambition and hope as well as how the modern Indian youth like to dream.

You can definitely check out his works and it will be a refreshing read for you.


  • Five Point Someone
  • One Night @ the Call Center
  • The 3 Mistakes of My Life
  • 2 States
  • Revolution 2020
  • Half Girlfriend
  • One Indian Girl
  • The Girl in Room 105
  • One Arranged Murder
  • 400 Days

We hope you found this blog educational as well as interesting and we hope this blog gives you a better sense of Indian literature.

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