We are Ghostwriting India and our philosophy is the same when it comes to eBooks and paperbacks. We ensure that you only get the final and finished result once you hire our services. This means you are going to get a completed eBook just as you get a completed physical manuscript with paperback books. We do ebooks in every format and we even do ebooks in high resolution in the form of comic ebooks. We will have you on board throughout the process of writing the ebook including regular updates as well if you hire an ebook writer from us.



So, you might be thinking, “what is the problem?” The problem lies in the fact that a lot of companies do not have the huge marketing budget to have an in-house writer's department to write ads for their products. Doing this would be simply impractical, as the companies need advertisement screenplay scripts only a few times a year and yet having a full-time writer as an employee would cost too much money.



Ghostwriting India ensures that you do not have to go to a lot of places for different ghostwriting needs because we do everything under a single roof. That means we are going to do every genre you ask for. This also means we do fiction as well as non-fiction ebooks as India’s top ebook writing agency. When it comes to fiction, we will take care of all your needs and when it comes to non-fiction, we do everything from historical books to educational textbooks and much more. We would love to write the perfect ebook for you.



From flexible work hours to tight deadlines and the finest experience in the Indian ghostwriting industry, these are just a few things that set us apart from the competition. At Ghostwriting India, we do not believe in compromises and that means when we say you will get the best kind of experience, we are speaking from a place of experience. That is why we ensure you the finest level of experience and meet the tightest deadlines and the best rates in the entire market through our ebook writing services.



This is the first step of this incredibly important process of writing your eBook for you. This is when you establish contact with us in your quest to find ebook writers for hire. A lot of the time we get our clients in the form of recommendations from our older clients. The first contact is usually in the form of back-and-forth meetings where we try to understand the exact needs of our clients.


The second step of our working process is going to be detailed meetings where we confirm everything that the client needs. This is where we sit down with the client to finalize everything including our service charges for our eBook ghostwriter services as well as deadlines. This is also when we sign all the NDAs as well. This is the point of no return because this is when we begin our plans for providing you with the service. But we don’t just start yet.


After we finalize the contract and after we assign ebook ghostwriters to your project, we need our employees to understand your needs 100%. That is why we present you with our infamous questionnaire. This questionnaire has everything you can think of regarding the project. We request our clients to answer the questions within a few weeks so that we can start our work. The questionnaire contains every kind of question that we might have so that you can think about the answers in detail.


After the client completes the questionnaire, we sit down one last time with the client to discuss all the finalities. We also add things into the contract that might have been missed and we introduce them to our assigned ghostwriters for ebooks. Then they are free to contact the ghostwriters to discuss the work and how the work is going to be done. We have our own locations and we can even arrange for the ebook writers to work in a place selected by the client.


This is the step of the ebook writing process where the client and the ghostwriters work together in agreement and our ghostwriters are always versatile enough to accommodate the needs of our clients. If our clients want our ghostwriters to work in their accommodation then we can arrange that. We also have some of the best systems and proprietary software in place for excellent remote work. This means we are not going to compromise on quality and you can get timely updates and even work together with our ghostwriters in a collaborative way.


And finally, we come to the last stage of the process for our ebook ghostwriting services where our ebook writing agency is going to present the completed ebook to the client. This is the stage of the process where the editing takes place and the client can be present during the process of editing to make sure everything is in order. This is also the happiest stage of the process because this is when we finally get to present the completed manuscript or in this case the completed file or files of ebooks to our clients.

Ghostwriting India Ensures

  • - Technical writing expertise
  • - High volume accommodation
  • - Educational content expertise
  • - Strict deadline matching
  • - Fiction book writers for hire
  • - Commitment to confidentiality

We are Ghostwriting India and we would love to create the ebook of your dreams by envisioning your ideas through your eyes in the best way possible and representing that into your ebook of dreams. We welcome you to contact us because authorship is waiting for you and your groundbreaking work is just a few weeks away from being a published bestseller.


Ebook ghostwriting can seem different from regular ghostwriting but everything about ebook ghostwriting is very similar to regular ghostwriting for paperback books.

When we talk about ebook ghostwriting, there can be some minor differences in terms of format and in terms of the layout of the ebook but everything else is going to be quite similar.

Yes, there can be a few different types of ebook writing in the form of episodes that get released on ebook platforms and that requires a different kind of word count and a different kind of deadline.But other than that, the core or the basic concept is very similar because we are still talking about ghostwriting.

And that is why we can also see the same genres as we see in the case of ghostwriting for fiction and nonfiction novels.

In fact, it is also similar to audiobook writing because the text is going to be similar and then that text is going to get converted into an audiobook.

There are so many factors that determine this that it would not be fair to talk about charges of ghostwriters especially since we are also in the industry.

However, we can talk about all the factors that determine the charges of a ghostwriter. One of the factors is definitely going to be the type of book or the type of content.

This is because the charges are going to be quite different for, let’s say, social media content and an autobiography.

We then have to take into consideration other factors such as the geographical factor because things cost different in different countries. This is due to a phenomenon called the Price Purchase Parity (PPP).

This means something can cost more in the USA than in India simply because the cost of expenses and the salaries are also less in India compared to the US.

We then have to talk about other factors such as the expertise of the ghostwriter as well as the reputation of the ghostwriting agency.

And then we can talk about the size of the ghostwriting agency because a bigger agency usually has the capacity to handle a lot of content and produce high-quality content at a more affordable rate.

This is going to be a simple answer because you do not have to look for that a lot because we are here for you.

We are Ghostwriting India and we are one of the premium names when it comes to ghostwriting in India.

We do every kind of ghostwriting content in the form of online web content as well as offline traditional content.

And when you are asking for an ebook ghostwriter you probably mean traditional offline content in the form of books that you would like to publish.

We have some of the finest names in the ghostwriting industry and some of our ghostwriters are also published authors themselves.

This has been something imbibed in our working philosophy for a long time because we believe that only an author can understand how to write for another author and produce quality work.

That is why if you are looking for some of the finest ghostwriting services and also some of the finest ghostwriters in India then you do not have to look further because we are just waiting for your call.

The ebook writing process is very simple to understand and it is just like writing for a paper book. This is because a paper book manuscript and an ebook manuscript are both written on book writing software.

Just that the manuscript for the paper book gets printed and published in a different format and medium for reading.

Having said that, it is important to understand the working process and we have a very simple process. The first step is usually when the client contacts us and we try to understand the needs of the client.

Then there are meetings back and forth to understand the needs of the client even more and when we are satisfied with the request of the client, we sign the contract with the client.

Then the questionnaire is presented to the client which will help us understand the needs of the client even better and that is also the time we assign the ghostwriters for the ebook.

We then ask the client to hand over the questionnaire and then our ghostwriters begin the work in close coordination with the client.

Then comes the editing and we welcome the client to join our ghostwriters in the editing process and when they are satisfied with the editing and the final draft, we present them with the ebook file or files.

If you want to publish your novel in an ebook format then that ebook should have the same number of words as any paper novel.

The thing about ebooks is that just the medium is different because instead of reading it on a book you are reading it on a device but other than that everything is similar to a regular physical book.

Having said that you can have different kinds of ebooks and some ebooks can be in the form of weekly releases like magazine releases and those ebooks can have a different word count usually comparable to the length of a single chapter of a traditional book.

That is why your word count can be quite different from anyone else’s and it all depends on how many words you want your ebook to have.

But the simple thing you should understand is that just because it is any book does not mean it will have a different word count.

Ghostwriting is completely legal all over the world because we couldn’t find any country in our research where ghostwriting was illegal.

Ghostwriting is in fact so legal that government institutions and politicians as well as bureaucrats utilise ghostwriters for writing their speeches.
On the other end of the spectrum, we know eminent law firms and reputed lawyers utilising ghostwriters to write down case details and case arguments for them as well.

If the government can utilise ghostwriters and if your elected representatives can do it then it is not illegal and it is utilised by nearly every industry you can think of from the IT industry to the hospitality industry to the healthcare industry and everyone else.


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