Welcome to this interesting blog where we are going to talk about and answer one of the most important and one of the most relevant questions being asked in the ghostwriting community.
We are going to talk about the ethics of this question and we will look at all the reasons why this question is very important to answer and find out.
So, what is this question that is being asked on every ghostwriting forum?
Do ghostwriters use ChatGPT?
The reason why this question is being asked everywhere is simply that it has become so easy to generate high-quality content with ChatGPT that anyone with a basic level of AI prompt engineering understanding can generate high-quality content with it.
This is definitely very convenient and it also helps people during emergencies when they are in desperate need of well-edited content such as letters and social media posts.
However, using AI assistants for content has its limitations with one of them being that it is just not original and lacks authenticity.
So, let us understand the answer to this very important question and let us also understand other important things such as the reasons why ghostwriters use or do not use AI chat assistants.
Along with that, we will answer other important questions related to AI and ghostwriting.
So, let’s start this blog with the very important question of whether ghostwriters use ChatGPT or any AI assistants or not and let’s get into the whys and why-nots of doing this and more.
Do Ghostwriters Use ChatGPT?

No, professional ghostwriters do not use any kind of AI chat assistant including chat GPT, Copilot or any other form of AI assistant.
This is simply because it completely goes against the ethics of the ghostwriting industry where the client is simply paying you for your hard work and your commitment to writing the content yourself.
The client is not paying you to use ChatGPT and any respectable and reputable ghostwriting agency simply stays clear of any AI assistants.
There are even some ghostwriting agencies that totally ban the usage of AI with their network programmed to simply block all AI websites.
If you find out that your hired ghostwriters are using AI assistants then you should move your business somewhere else unless you as the client specifically ask the professional ghostwriters to use AI assistants.
So, Why Do Ghostwriters Not Use ChatGPT and Other AI Assistants

Originality Takes a Hit
One of the most important reasons why ghostwriters do not use ChatGPT or any other forms of AI assistants is simply because you cannot get a unique voice and style with AI assistants.
While you can program and use prompts in order to create styles for the assistant to say but you cannot emulate the client’s original voice and the kind of style that they want.
This is something that can only be done by an experienced professional after they have had extended interviews and talks with the client.
The value of human interaction is that it is simply impossible to replicate it and then again if you are able to create a certain style for the client with the help of AI, it would be impossible to generate a personal tone that only a human can create.
This is still taking a stretch simply because the most doable outcome will be that you are going to get repetitive outcomes without any character or personal loan or any kind of unique voice or style.
It Is Not Ethical
The second thing to understand and probably the most important reason why ghostwriters do not use AI chat assistants in order to write content is that the clients trust the ghostwriters not to write content with AI.
The entire aspect of ghostwriting is handwritten original content and that is exactly what the client is paying you for.
They are trusting you to write content without any kind of assistance and they are paying you for your experience and expertise as a writer.
If you start using AI then you are violating that primary premise of the entire job because you are not writing on your own if you use AI and you are also not writing original content.
That is why writing content with the help of AI without the knowledge of the client is completely unethical and we would suggest you never do it.
This means a reputable ghostwriter will not even open any AI assistant window on their browser and sometimes they will also try to write offline so that they never have to use AI.
And of course, if the client ever finds out you are using AI then you can say goodbye to your writing career because it will completely ruin your reputation as a reliable content writer.
Emotional Depth Issues
A typical or traditional ghostwriting project involves listening to the client and understanding their vision for the book and this becomes even more important when it is fiction.
It is about spending hours with the client in trying to understand their style and going through all the research material they have accumulated and all the inspirational reference points they have collected.
A traditional ghostwriting project is also about being in complete synchronisation with the emotions of the person who is commissioning the project.
And if you consider certain types of ghostwriting projects such as biographies and autobiographies personal connection becomes even more important.
This kind of emotional connection is just like looking into someone’s eyes when you talk to them and it is about picking up subtle cultural nuances and accurately capturing them.
These are things that only a human can do for another human as it is impossible for an artificially trained system to mimic these emotions and even if they get accurate enough, it will just be an imitation of an actual writer.
There is why emotional depth or the lack of it is the reason why ghostwriters or even clients do not prefer AI assistants like ChatGPT.
ChatGPT can write for you but it cannot feel for you.
Creative Limitations
One of the other reasons why ghostwriters and clients do not prefer AI assistants is simply because there are a lot of creative limitations with something like that.
This is because when you are writing content you can get as creative as possible and you can also develop an entirely new style of storytelling in order to express ideas.
The problem with AI assistants like ChatGPT is that it has been trained with other original content and this simply means that it will only replicate other content.
The problem with something like this is that you can never expect original content when it comes to AI because what you will get is only the copying of content.
What happens with something like this is that you can never expect a breakthrough in creativity when a system only copies from other examples.
You cannot get renowned novels that redefine the human experience and you cannot get Shakespeare’s Sonnets that stand true even after 500 years.
What you get is just content that has been recreated again.
Potential for Errors
Contrary to popular belief AI assistants like ChatGPT are full of errors when it comes to content generation and we are not just talking about problems with information.
Ghostwriting is the pinnacle of high-quality content generation where the client is paying top professionals for content without any error, and when we say any we mean not a single error.
This applies to everything from punctuation to spelling as well as tonality and so much more.
When you are operating at such a high level of quality tolerance there is simply no space for any kind of mistakes whether it is misleading information or any technical mistakes.
You must understand that these pieces of content that are commissioned in ghostwriting projects often make it to published books and very important places.
On top of that if you consider the lack of quality as a mistake or error then you should add that to the list as well because you simply cannot expect critical thinking with any AI assistants.
All you will get is information that is full of inconsistencies.
Tips To Identify if Your Ghostwriter is Using AI Tools Like ChatGPT

Generic Writing Style
The first way to find out if your content was written by the designated ghostwriter or with the help of AI is to look at the style of writing.
Real handwritten content has character and depth to it and it has a certain kind of voice that is very unique to it.
Unless the ghostwriter is actively trying to avoid that specific kind of voice and unless the client has instructed them not to use a specific voice, it becomes very obvious very quickly whether it is written by a human or AI.
We understand that this can be a little bit difficult for people who are not associated with literature or writing as a profession and for that we have the other options you can try out.
Inconsistent Tone
The second thing to look out for is tone because tone gives it away every time as it is very difficult for any AI to maintain a consistent tone throughout the entire manuscript.
Things become even more complicated when the size of the manuscript becomes longer as any system struggles to keep up with a single kind of tone.
Additionally, if you study the content then you are also going to find that if it is written by AI then there will be a lot of inconsistencies with the sentence structure.
You are going to see a lot of abrupt changes that are usually not the case with a human writer because a human writer has perfected their style over years of hard work.
They are able to maintain a kind of style no matter the kind of content but that is not possible with AI.
AI Checkers
There are dedicated AI content checkers available online where you can simply paste content and check whether it is written by AI.
These checkers are very accurate simply because these checkers also utilise the same models that your content has been written with.
Yes sometimes they can have false positives and they are not 100% reliable but they are definitely a good way to understand if content has been written by AI.
These AI checkers and simply be found with a simple Google search and new ones are coming up every day.
The best thing about these checkers is that they will also tell you the percentage of content that is AI and even highlight that piece of content.
The problem or rather limitations of these checkers is that you can only submit something like 2000 words so there is a character or word limitation.
However, this is not really practical after the contract has been completed and in order for this method to be accurate you can ask for writing samples from the ghostwriter before hiring them and test these samples out in the AI checker.
Here are a few popular AI content checkers
Face-to-face Verification
This is possibly one of the best ways to find out if your content has been written with the help of AI or genuinely written by a ghostwriter and it is to simply ask them.
You just have to sit down with the professional and ask them about the writing process and you need to ask them to explain different points of the content and be transparent about their methods.
If they fumble even a little bit then that simply means they are using AI and it is because writers know exactly how they write content.
You can do this before hiring the person and you can simply ask them about their methods and even give them a live exercise to demonstrate their abilities.
Lack of Collaboration and Feedback
Someone using AI assistants to write their content is not going to be that eager to look for collaboration opportunities or even ask for feedback.
This is because they are guilty and they know it and that is why they will try to avoid opportunities for collaboration and this is one of the best methods of finding out if someone is indeed using AI content generators.
This is because if a ghostwriter is writing the content themselves, they will look for every opportunity for collaboration.
This is because any collaboration opportunity is an opportunity for the ghostwriter to get assurance that their progress has been approved and that they can move on to the next parts of the project.
This is because there is always a fear among writers that their content will not get accepted and might need to be written once again.
But if someone is not writing the content themselves then they do not need feedback and they do not need collaboration opportunities as this can expose their methods.
We hope this blog has been helpful for you to understand why ghostwriters never use ChatGPT or any other form of AI assistants in order to write original and genuine content.
If you are looking for such a kind of reputable and industry-renowned ghostwriting agency then we are here for you.
We are Ghostwriting India and we are one of the most critically acclaimed ghostwriter-for-hire agencies in India where we simply do not believe in AI when it comes to content.
Every sentence and every word written at our agency is done by hand with the help of our skilled professional writers all working under the primary goal of providing authentic hand-written high-quality content to every one of our clients.
We do every kind of ghostwriting whether it is online web content writing, traditional ghostwriting and even scriptwriting and much more.
We welcome you to visit our website and check out everything we do.